A blog to keep up on what's happening for teens at Brooks Memorial Library including: • new books • events • resources available • fun website suggestions • ... and more.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

No Return for Return to Gill Park

The gorilla is gone. From the Island, that is. You’ll still find copies of Return to Gill Park, by Amy Gordon in the library of course.

This book was a special addition to the Island. What’s so special about it??? Take a look at the home page of author Amy Gordon to find out. What an interesting person, and so close by (hint, hint.) This author has written books for all levels of readers. If you read the biography and look at the books she has written you’ll see the adage “write what you know” coming to life.

So… what do you know? What could you write? Or what don’t you know that you could still write about? Summer is a great time for keeping a journal or doing some creative writing. Or... you could write a book review and send it to me to put on the blog!

Meanwhile keep reading and keep voting. Five books are now left on the Island!!!