A blog to keep up on what's happening for teens at Brooks Memorial Library including: • new books • events • resources available • fun website suggestions • ... and more.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Suggestions Please!

Is there a new book that you're dying to read? Did you check the library catalog, only to find that we don't own it? Fear not! There is a remedy to this situation. You can ask the library to purchase the item you're interested in.

It's very easy and can be done in one of two ways. You can come to the library in person and ask to fill out a Suggestion for Purchase form. Or you can do it from the comfort of your own computer. Simply go to the the Brooks website (http://www.brooks.lib.vt.us/) and click on "About Brooks." On the About Brooks page, you should see a "Suggest a New Title" button near the top. Click on this, then type up your suggestion.

Why not give this a try and let us know what you think!
