A blog to keep up on what's happening for teens at Brooks Memorial Library including: • new books • events • resources available • fun website suggestions • ... and more.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Series #2 - Even better!

There's an even better way to figure out series. You'll need your library card for this one because we're going into the databases. Here's how it works:

1. Go to the Brooks Memorial Library home page.
2. Click on "Library Databases."
3. Click on "Literary Resources" or scroll down until you find NoveList.
4. Click on it, and click again to get to the log in page where you type in your library card number.
5. Click on "Novelist" again, and you're in!

There is SO MUCH to explore here! But we're tracking down series, so click at the tab at the top that says "Search Our Database." You can search by series name, but you can also "browse" the database. It takes a little time to get used to using a database but you'll enjoy exploring this wonderful resource if you love to read. If you need help using this database talk to Jeanne at the Reference Desk. She's a pro!