New Non-fiction books!
Do you like reading non-fiction? Are you writing a report? If you need some new and interesting books about American History we have some great new books. Right now they are on the display table near the YA Room, but they will eventually be found shelved with non-fiction. You'll need the call number to find them. (I've linked them here, but if the links don't work, just do a title search in the catalog.)
1.America through the lens: photographers who changed the nation/ Martin W. Sandler. 770.92 SAN
2. The fight for peace: a history of antiwar movements in America/ by Ted Gottfried. 303.6 GOT
3. Let me play: the story of Title IX: the law that changed the future of girls in America/ Karen Blumental 796 BLU
4. Looking like the enemy: my story of imprisonment in Japanese-American internment camps/ Mary Matsuda Gruenewald. 940.53 GRU
5. The real revolution: the global story of American independence/ by Marc Aronson. 973.3 ARO
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